
- Thank you Stefano! It has been always pleasure to teach you! Complimenti!
I’m always glad to help you, Luigi and I’m impressed how much motivated you are to have our lessons at 5am ;) Fantastic!
- Gloria, thank you so much for the kind words! I love it when the classes are done fun way, indeed!
- Kiril, it is my pleasure to help your son Matty with Russian. This is so much fun to teach a 10 years old boy a language of his parents and grandparents! I appreciate your attention and passion to Russian so much!
- Thanks, Samuel! I've been trying to make my classes pesonalised and interesting, I hope they help you at work and in general as well!

If you are my student, I would be happy if you leave here your opinion on our classes as well.
Please fill this form and will insert your feedback as soon as possible! ➡️➡️➡️


What do my Italian students say about our Russian classes?

- Gentile Elisa! Complimenti per la passione e per quello che riesce sempre a trovare il tempo per approfondire il russo! Grazie tanto per le parole! Sempre non vedo l'ora di avere le lezioni insieme!
- Massimo, grazie mille per il Suo feedback! E' davvero importante per me che il mio metodo La aiuta per capire meglio la lingua che la Sua famiglia parla. Godo le nostre classe e amo prepararle per Lei! 
- Giuseppe, grazie mille! Non vedo l'ora di averti alle nostre classe di russo! Sei molto molto bravo!
- Luca, sei molto gentile! Grazie e in boca al lupo con il russo!!

Thank you, Marco!


If you are my student, I would be happy if you leave here your opinion on our classes as well.
Please fill this form and will insert your feedback as soon as possible! ➡️➡️➡️